A honeymoon in Meghalaya offers an enchanting escape into one of India’s most picturesque states. Known for its misty hills, lush green landscapes, and cascading waterfalls, Meghalaya provides a perfect backdrop for a romantic getaway. Whether you’re looking to explore the Honeymoon in Meghalaya or discover the Places To Visit In Meghalaya In June, this northeastern gem has something special for every couple.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/gX2SjkBWvaAgxjR28

Why Choose Meghalaya for Your Honeymoon?

Meghalaya, aptly known as the “Abode of Clouds,” is a destination where romance meets adventure. The state boasts unparalleled natural beauty, a rich cultural heritage, and a serene environment, making it an ideal honeymoon spot.

1. Cherrapunji: The Wettest Place on Earth

Start your journey in Cherrapunji, famous for its monsoon rains. Explore the living root bridges, formed by intertwining tree roots, and take a leisurely walk through lush green landscapes. Don’t miss the Nohkalikai Falls, which plunge dramatically into a turquoise pool below.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/BoAwvvH8mseSCKUH8

2. Mawlynnong: Asia’s Cleanest Village

Visit Mawlynnong, a picturesque village known for its cleanliness and eco-friendly practices. Stroll along bamboo walkways, admire the vibrant flower gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding hills. It’s the perfect spot for quiet moments together.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/Hz3bizojGQUQ4V5F9

3. Dawki: Crystal-Clear Waters

Take a boat ride on the Umngot River in Dawki. The crystal-clear waters reveal the riverbed, creating a surreal experience. Imagine floating over submerged rocks and pebbles as you soak in the tranquility.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/Lm8R29Y3LKZzvhQe7

4. Shillong: Scotland of the East

Explore Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. Visit Ward’s Lake, stroll through Police Bazaar, and enjoy local Khasi cuisine. The rolling hills, colonial architecture, and pleasant weather make Shillong a romantic haven.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/jGQzzGZ1VgS8zKmZ9

5. Laitlum Canyons

Laitlum translates to “End of the Hills,” and true to its name, this place offers mesmerizing views of the Khasi Hills. The panoramic vistas, coupled with the tranquility of the surroundings, make Laitlum Canyons a perfect spot for couples seeking solitude and natural beauty.

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/ZdAt5H6NGeR2gYdm6

Tips for a Perfect Honeymoon in Meghalaya

  1. Plan Ahead: While Meghalaya is a year-round destination, planning your visit according to the season can enhance your experience. June, with its lush greenery and waterfalls, is particularly beautiful
  2. Pack Accordingly: Given the varying weather, it’s advisable to pack warm clothing, especially if you plan to visit higher altitudes. Don’t forget your rain gear if visiting during the monsoon.
  3. Local Cuisine: Don’t miss out on trying the local cuisine. Dishes like Jadoh, Dohneiiong, and Nakham Bitchi offer a delightful culinary experience.
  4. Respect Local Culture: Meghalaya’s cultural heritage is rich and diverse. Respect local customs and traditions, and seek permission before photographing people or religious sites.


A honeymoon in Meghalaya promises an unforgettable blend of romance, adventure, and natural beauty. From exploring the vibrant city of Shillong to experiencing the serene landscapes of Mawlynnong and Dawki, every moment in Meghalaya is bound to be special. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to this enchanting state, where every corner holds the promise of a new discovery and every moment is steeped in romance.

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